Wednesday 10 August 2016

Pokemon Henna Tattoos!

Since everyone is getting into the new Pokemon Go game I thought I'd offer some designs to all Pokémon fans! If you're a Pokemon fan too, please let me know in comment box below. And, hey! If you have any cool ideas for a design based on a show, song, scenery, flower, plant, or jewellery you really like, then make sure to let me know and I'll try it out!!😃

Wednesday 3 August 2016

The Fashion Industry

Assalamu alaikum.

Hi guys! I recently watched a fascinating documentary called True Cost. It's about fast fashion, waste, pollution, but most importantly, the people who make our clothes. It's also about how the big company owners are getting richer and the poor, poorer. It's about pesticides, GMOs and how it's all a monopoly to make money and put farmers and related workers into impossible debt. Shockingly, farmers have the highest rate of suicide in the world!

One of the places the documentary focuses on is Bangladesh. How the building had cracks in it and the workers complained and pointed it out. They were silenced and forced to go back into an unsafe environment to work. Hundreds were killed. Few survived. It was around this time, that the industry was making the most money. With so many people in need of a job, they were easily replaceable. The big company owners, who ever they are, obviously don't care.

Definitely a good movie to watch. I give it five stars! It teaches us not to waste and not to mistreat the land as well as it's people.

If you want to learn more and take action, visit

Also, my mom just got me a book today from the library. It was published in 2012. It's called Over-Dressed, The Shockingly, High Cost of Cheap Fashion. Obviously, I haven't read it yet, so can't tell you much other than it's a very similar topic. It's scary how this book came into my life right after I finished watching that documentary.

Lastly, I decided I would go through my pants, shirts and sweaters to see where they were made. So here's the list:

China 6
Hong Kong 4
Cambodia 5
Honduras 5
Bangladesh 3
Turkey 1
Mexico 1
Haiti 1
Trengganu 1
Unknown 6 (cut tag or too faded to read)

*Note: that doesn't include the clothes in the wash, on my back or in the closet.

I grew up with hand me downs, so I think for someone who had the latest thing or even just clothes that are actually from their time, would probably have a different mix of countries.

Monday 13 June 2016

A rose in bloom is casted under a dark cloud, while the dandelions smile under the sun

Assalamu Alaikum.

Today the new student council got together to plan next year's events. Every year is always the same. So I offer up new ideas no one else has ever thought of. Instead of only wearing a colour for anti bullying, or cancer, why not put on a play about those subjects? Give meaning to those events. Make it exciting! Get other students who aren't on the council involved directly for once.

But the girl who takes the notes said no one would be interested and didn't welcome my idea. She wrote it down but clearly wasn't for it. I don't see why my idea should be shot down without even trying. How does she know what everyone else is thinking? She clearly doesn't care for it herself. But so what?! She's not the only one in the school. She doesn't own the school council. Everyone's ideas should be welcomed and appreciated, regardless.

One of the boys liked my idea and we should do a play in the hall for bullying and see what people do. I said, "Oh! You mean like a 'What would you do?' scenario?" "Yeah!" "Oh my gosh! That's a great idea! I love it!" "Yeah, and then we can let the teachers know so they don't do anything about it. And whoever intervenes can get a prize or something" She still didn't seem impressed. And oh well! It's not her decision. This is supposed to be a collaborative thing. You know I was really glad that someone was finally on my side, but I'm just so tired of the student council at my school. They never do anything. If someone does want to something, they won't let them and make them feel invalid and alienated. They ask for new ideas but accept none if it's not exactly what they want or if it's too different. I want to be the change I want to see in the world, but it's really hard when the people or club that's supposed help you realise your dream or vision for the school are same people weighing you down. I'm never really heard, seen or acknowledged. I try so hard, but it seems my efforts are always in vain.

Another idea unwelcome, was to ask everyone to write about a time when they were bullied and what they and/or someone else did in that scenario to stand up. Of course I wanted it to anonymous, and on identical pieces of paper so no one could tell, and have a member read them out loud after they put them in a box.

Wearing a colour doesn't change or influence people. It states, "We're going to pretend we care, but not actually do anything about it". If we do the exercise I offered, it gives everyone a chance to remember that it happens to everyone and not just someone else. It gives a chance to share our experiences and connect without being vulnerable. It also reminds us, that bullying is very real, and that we shouldn't just pretend it doesn't exist. It makes us feel and opens our eyes.

I also said we could watch a video about different students telling their story. And I offered doing something informative, like when and why was the anti bullying week started? By who? And it's relevance today here at the school and in our daily lives.
You'd think one of those awesome ideas would inspire her. Hopefully some of those ideas will be realised next year and not just thrown out like last night leftovers for the dogs.

I get the feeling they like my ideas, but don't like me. When I was grade nine I offered an activity where everyone writes something nice about everyone in the school but no one wanted to do it with me. They said it was too much trouble. So I did a small amount that I could handle on my own. I left the school for a year. When I came back, I was surprised to see pink post it notes on everyone's lockers saying different nice things about them by various people. I'm sure if I remarked to them that they finally used my idea, they would say no it's someone else's. I don't get credit for anything. I hate my school. I want to be with active people like me in a Muslim community.

Saturday 14 May 2016

Garden wreath

I recently bought this wreath at a craft fair where I was doing a Henna booth. I love gardening and just marking things beautiful in general! I love having our fresh food and harvesting it; it's so much fun! However, my parents have kinda lost their mojo, so this is a good reminder for me whenever I'm in the backyard watering the plants or pulling some weeds.

Henna at school

Assalamu Alaikum.
A few days ago I did this design off book at school.

Tuesday 10 May 2016


Assalamu alaikum.
On May 4th 2016 I only had a couple of customers due to the fact that most of the people at the event were around late 40s to 60s. Although I had no idea what age group would be attending a "girls just wanna have fun" party. I pictured ladies 18-35, tbh. Better luck next time insha'allah.

Saturday 30 April 2016

Défauts? Non mais, différent.

Assalamu Alaikum.

J'adore cet vidéo! Ne seraient pas découragez par la longueur. Une message très importante m'a vraiment touchant. Que ça soit tes oreilles, ta grandeur, tes dents, la couleur de tes cheveux et même la couleur de tes yeux, nous ne sommes pas des moutons et il faut vivre pour nous même et non pour les autres. Cet épisode nous démontrons l'importance de la valeur de soi et comment maîtriser les défis en ce sujet. Les histoires sont vrais et les sentiments, fortes. Avez-vous une <<défaut physique>>? Laissez moi savoir et partage ton histoire. Tout le monde on a dans une sens ou une autre mais, c'est comment on la traite.

Pandan Cake

Assalamu Alaikum.

I forgot to post this. Before I posted about Pandan pancakes, well here's the real deal. When I made this, because it's a food from my father's culture, he tells me he doesn't want me to leave. If you ever feel like trying out this recipe, then here you go.

Pandan Chiffon Cake

From Easy Malaysian Style Cookery.

You will need:

8 eggs, separated
1 1/4 cups caster sugar (superfine sugar)
3/4 cup vegetable oil
1 tsp vanilla essence
3/4 cup (180 ml) coconut milk
1/4 tsp pandan extract
1 cup self-raising flour
1 tsp cream of tartar

*Note that if you don't have self-raising flour at home you can always mix 1 cup of all-purpose flour with 1 1/2 tsp baking powder and 1/2 tsp salt.

1. Beat egg yolks, sugar, oil, and vanilla essence in a medium sized bowl, with a whisk or an electric mixer until combined.

2. In a separate tiny bowl, combine coconut milk and pandan extract. Then beat in the coconut-pandan combination with the previous mixture.

3. Sift flour 3 times into a large bowl. Then make a well in the centre. Finally whisk egg mixture into the flour well.

4. Beat all egg whites in a large bowl with an electric mixer until frothy. Then add cream of tartar and beat until firm peaks form.

5. Fold in egg whites into flour mixture in 2 bachets using a balloon whisk.

6. Carefully pour mixture into a 21 cm increased Chiffon pan. Pull skewer through batter and/or lift pan with batter and mildly hit a hard surface with it to disperse bubbles.

7. Bake at 350° F for about 45 min or until cake feels springy to the touch (I did an hour). Gently invert pan on a cooling rack. Do not move or bump pan until cake is completely chilled. Run rubber spatula around the sides of the pan to release cake. Slice. Enjoy!

Another Henna Event!

Assalamu Alaikum.

Today I went to another craft fair. I only had five customers but alhamdulillah, I can feel my business growing.

Monday 18 April 2016

If I had to give a piece of advice to the world it would be...

Assalamu Alaikum.

I know I'm not old and wise yet (I suppose that means I'm young and stupid, lol), but if I had to give a piece of advice to the world, it would be to "ask for help". And I suppose, a part of being mature is swallowing one's pride, realising when we're most vulnerable and in need, and having the strength to reach out for aide. I personally have always had trouble with that and I still kinda do. I don't like bothering people or being needy or non-selfsufficient. So, when I learned that Allah (God) is actually waiting for us to ask him for anything and everything that is good from him and as often as we want, I was pretty surprised. Ever since I started making du'a consistently my life has been changing for the better now, in every way possible. Alhamdulillah.

Sunday 17 April 2016

Childrens' Islamic Study


On Friday evenings, my mom teaches children from the ages 4, 5, and 6 about Islam. I recently became her assistant  and since her story book doesn't have a lot of pictures, I decided to illustrate on the white board to help the kids remember the important parts of the lesson. It's really hard to communicate with some of them because two only speak Russian and three other ones only or mostly speak Arabic. I'm glad I know at least a little bit of Arabic, words like, "kifhaliq?" meaning how are you?, "yallah!" litterally means to God but basically means let's go, "nimshi" means let's walk, and of course "assalamu alaikum" which all Muslims would know means peace be upon you
So, I have been studying a little bit of Russian in hopes that I can communicate with the Russian kids and help them learn. It's a good thing both the moms of the Russian and Arabic children are there; their English is minimal but sufficient. I really like them; they're so easy going and patient. 

Here are some pictures of the little bit of Russian I know so far (the Alphabet and a few words):

Saturday 2 April 2016

Nur's Henna Tattoos part 3

Assalamu Alaikum!
Today went well at the kinsmen hall where I did my Henna booth again, this time at a craft fair. I actually had two ladies who wanted a tattoo on their foot. One of them was a lady I had done it for two weeks ago at a indoor spring garage sale where she had her 31 bag table set up just like today. It was really cool to see her again! She told/showed me that her henna tattoo is still there! Even though she had gone swimming for a long period of time in a chlorine filled pool. I was most certainly happy! That same lady, just like before, showed me a specific design that she wanted me to do on her phone. It's the one on the left. The one on the right was for a lady who had booth near mine too. She sells hand crocheted hats, stuffed toys, and a mini picnic basket set.

My first customer was actually a young boy who really likes Adventure Time. I didn't have any WI-fi to look up the image of the Title, so we worked together to sketch something that looked remotely similar. All my customers, al-hamdulilah, are so nice, patient and most of easy going. They always compliment my work and I we always have a good chat.

You know, I don't think I would mind doing this for a living. I've always wanted a job where I interact with people and not necessarily an office job where you pretty much do the same thing everyday.

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Pandan Pancakes

If you're a Malaysian or know a Malaysian, than you'll know what pandan is. Pandan is a natural flavour from a green plant that grows in tropical areas, such as... Malaysia. Well, it's like a tradition to make pandan CAKE for Eid or MAC (Multicultural Awareness Club) night at our place, but this morning before school I decided to make some yummy, green pandan pancakes with pandan icing. You can't go wrong with icing. So here's my super easy life hack on how to make them. First, you'll need pancake mix that demands one cup of dairy milk and one egg. Instead, I used coconut milk and two eggs because a typical pandan cake recipe requires coconut milk and a large number of eggs to make it more dense. You'll also need pandan flavouring, coconut shredded, sugar, icing sugar and dairy milk.

First step: separate eggs. Mix yolks, one cup of coconut milk, a quarter teaspoon of pandan flavouring, an eighth of a cup of sugar, and one and a quarter cup of pancake mix.
Second step: whisk eggs whites. It doesn't have to be super foamy or forming peaks or anything fancy. As long as it's combined and a little bubbly but the longer the better.
Third step: fold in egg whites into mix with a whisk.
Fourth step: stir in coconut shreded. Cook pancakes.
Fith step: in a separate bowl, mix one cup of icing sugar with a quarter cup of milk and a quarter teaspoon of pandan flavouring.
Step six: drizzle and serve!

In case you're wondering, it taste better than you might think. I personally love it, but I know suspicious green pancakes aren't for everyone. Lol!

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Nur's Henna Tattoos Part 2

Today I did henna for my mom and I, plus I  got my nails did. We're going to an all girls party tomorrow, insha'allah. I haven't been to one in a while, so I'm excited. Also, I didn't get a chance before but, I wanted to show off my business cards. I don't have my building or anything but, insha'allah, that's my goal. It would be SO cool to run my business and be in charge of EVERYTHING! The only part that sucks is paying taxes which school has not taught me. But instead I am obliged by the provincial government who established such a ridiculous curriculum to take grade 11 Functions which will never serve me in the future and guaranteed to be forgotten over the summer. I could be learning how to do my taxes instead! I don't think my school even offers a course like that because we have just above 50 students. Well, assalamu alaikum.

Monday 28 March 2016

A Squirrel Survived A Hurricane To Become This Family’s Most Beloved Member

Ok. I just HAD to post this because I saw it on Facebook. This squirrel is just way too adorable and funny! I'm losing it. Seriously.

jill the squirrel

jill the squirrel

jill the squirrel

jill the squirrel

Here's a link to the real site:

Sunday 27 March 2016

I Love Squirrels!

Today I went to the park with some of my family; it was such a nice day! I didn't even need a coat compared to wearing a thick winter jacket just yesterday. Well anyways, I'm kinda obsessed with squirrels; I don't know what it is, they just make me so happy! There's no animals in Jannah so I have to appreciate their beauty and grace now while I still can. In note of my slight obsession, one of my older brothers told me on Whats app, "Hey! Creeper, leave those squirrels alone!" In case you aren't familiar with the song Another Brick in the Wall by Pink Floyd, the real lyrics go,
"Hey! Teacher, leave those kids alone!" Which is what makes it so funny!

In case you want to hear what that song sounds like, sadly I could only find one version in a Capella on YouTube, which you can find in the link below. It's not the best quality but that's the best one available.

Other than that, hope you enjoy my squirrel video from the park today!

Nur's Henna Tattoos

Recently, I've kinda started a henna business, its name being the title of this post. I've been to two community events so far and both have gone really well. People are interested and are happy that I provide pamphlets for info on what henna is and its benefits. I've also had the blessing to order business cards for myself which many have taken. Although, I still haven't gotten any calls or emails. But I'm still trying to get my name out there and hopefully if I continue to pray consistently, Allah (spwt) will make things easy for me and continue to open this path for me. Entrepreneurship is something I've always wanted to try. I love being my own boss, meeting new people, being involved in the community, doing what I love, being independent and keeping all the dough to myself! I haven't been able to find a part time job yet, so this is good for me. Hopefully this experience will teach me a little self control and not let the moola burn a hole in my pocket. *Wink wink.

Alhamdulilah. May Allah guide me.

Sunday 31 January 2016

10 Things I Hate About Me, The Book

Assalamu Alaikum!

10 Things I Hate about Me is a medium sized, fiction novel, about a Muslim teen, her family and friends, her high school experience, and her struggles as a Muslim in a non-Islamic environment where Western culture conflicts family and religious values. On the cover, you will notice a film strip with two pics of her with dyed, blond hair and blue eye contacts, and in the other two she is wearing a head scarf (khimar) with no eye contacts. The subtitle that goes with this image of her conflicting individual is "Who Am I? Jamie or Jamilah?" And that's just what the book is about. I think the main outcome of the story is kind of a dead giveaway.

If you don't want any spoilers, you probably shouldn't read the following.

Initially she starts out as a fake, trying to blend in with the crowd. Apparently, she's been "on a mission to de-wog" herself since the seventh grade (Abdel-Fattah 5). She avoids all confrontation at all costs because she doesn't want people to know about her Lebanese-Muslim background. So she fakes it, and pretends to be a white, blond, blue-eyed chick—the perfect Australian disguise.

Another precaution she takes to stay under the radar, is to never let her friends come over so they don't see "the Koranic inscriptions hanging on the walls, the argeela sitting in the hallway corner" or hear "the radio playing loudly in the background, sounding out Arabic folk songs," (Abdel-Fattah 262). In addition to her conforming behavior, she stays silent and nods halfheartedly when her classmate, Peter, insults another boy, Ahmed, of the same Lebanese-Muslim background.

In case you're curious as to what exactly this Peter jerk guy says, here is some paraphrasing:

"What a joke, huh, Jamie? Ahmed probably spends his weekends in a garage making bombs or training for a terrorist group. I'm glad the riots broke out. My dad told me that it's been a long time coming. He used to surf those beaches when he was younger. Sure, there were Italians and Greeks but there weren't too many, so you didn't notice and it was OK. But now the Lebs have invaded the beaches and it's not the same." (Abdel-Fattah 4-5). 

Throughout the novel Jamie encounters various ordeals and endeavors that ultimately—yep, you guessed it—help her rediscover and accept her true self, Jamilah. For a long time, she lives a dual life—Jamie at school and work, and Jamilah at home and Arabic school. In the end, she learns to love and accept the people that actually care for her, including a friend she didn't know she could trust, another friend she almost didn't forgive, her dad, brother, and sister, and Ms. Sajda, her Arabic teacher.

This book made me cry at least a couple of times. I can relate to the father-daughter relationship she has where her father doesn't resonate with her and often times doesn't hear her out—but we still try to love them. It's reassuring to know I still have my mom—unlike Jamilah. I also understand what it's like to be discriminated against although I've never had it that bad, but close. In the novel, Jamie is asked out by Peter to the dance, but he's a jerk who likes her for all the wrong reasons. I've never been asked out directly, but I've had a guy obviously hint at the fact that he wanted me to go to the semi-formal (even though he knew nothing about me other than my name and that I speak French), another mentioning marriage, a ring and even living in a house together (during Tech class), and some unknown guys whistling from across the street and one of them sing "Hello from the other side, I must have called a thousand times" by Adele.

If I had to rate this book, it would be 3 1/2 stars. I didn't like how nonreligious most of the family was, but part of that made it realistic because the older sister was super religious and an activist in the community. So I would still recommend this book to other Muslims.

Well, hope that was helpful! Please leave a comment bellow and let me know what you think.